This Ain't Rock and Roll {Music Notes}
Last night, I had the chance to support some friends and soak up some great, live music at The Listening Room.
I think it's pretty amazing that some of the most talented people I know are also some of the most humble.
Like this guy... Ladies and Gentlemen: here's Steve Moakler (and his roommates). You've got to hear his new, very uncountry song. And very likely his next big hit.

Yours Truly {Snapshots}
Heart Trouble {Mama Says}
Post by Jana Redmond:
At my age, my heart trouble is not finding Mr. Right...luckily, I met my soul mate long ago. And thankfully my heart trouble is not of the medical variety either. My heart trouble is not for my own, because we have been blessed beyond compare with happy, healthy children, grandchildren, siblings and parents.
My heart trouble is often seeing all the need there is out there and how little we do to reach out, relieve suffering, lighten loads and bring joy.
Look around your classroom, your neighborhood, your church, your little town and see where you can be of service. Whether it's volunteering at a nursing home, taking lunch to a sick friend, or cleaning up the neighbors yard, put forth the effort, the "trouble", if you will, to share your heart with others.
"If you haven't got any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble." - Bob Hope
Musicians Corner {Music Notes}
If you enjoy the warm sun, a cool breeze and new're going to love this!
Musicians Corner is a FREE concert in Centennial Park held every Saturday that features upcoming artists from all over the country. This year the shows start on May 7th and are held every Saturday until July 2.
Last year the surprise special guest, Vince Gill(!!!!), played some of his new songs for the small crowd. <--Reason Number 49,753 why I love Nashville.
Here are some artists I heard last year that have stuck with me:
Shelly Fraley-I Don't Know
Jon Troast- You're That Way
May 7th is marked in my calendar!
Tavern {Soul Food}
I spent last night enjoying the gorgeous weather on the patio at the trendy new restaurant called "Tavern". It's the spot in midtown, where Lime used to be... with the same owner as the one that runs Virago and Whiskey Kitchen.
The layout is fresh and airy. And if you're wondering, Wednesday night is 2 for 1 drink night. It is kind of hard to get a table, but if you're able to make that happen than it's totally worth the effort.
The guacomole alone is worth the trip... with an unexpected taste of goat cheese in every bite.
My ahi tuna was absolutely delicious and so were the spicy lettuce wraps at my table.
But what I took away from my experience there was all in the dessert. A small flame with all of the usual campfire staples (plus Resees cups!) are brought to you. And that means you're able to roast s'mores at your table... Such a throwback to my days as a girl scout!
The 72' {Snapshots}
My dad's #1 passions are cars and performance driving. He had his 1972 911 completely refurbished after an "incident" on the track. It took almost two years to have it redone, needless to say it is now his pride and joy.
We took it out on the Square in Downtown Collierville one evening to get some 'after' shots for him.
How to Arrive Fashionably Late {Mama Says}
Being on time means you are dependable (like at work, HA!). But being fashionably late can be successfully done in some instances. Here are some guidelines to consider, but remember it has a lot to do with common sense and consideration of others.
- If you have a role in the event, be on time. Example: If you are supposed to do magic tricks for the group before dinner, gather up the top hat, rabbit and other magician props and be on time.
- If it's a time flexible event and you want to arrive late, chose a reasonable time...three hours is not fashionable. A half hour is usually good. Don't making being late your trend.
- Arrive in good form. When you come late, all eyes may be on you when you do arrive (you attention craving girl). Be put together and calm so people won't think you just got mugged on the street!
- If you are the last there, don't be the first to leave! Mingle for a good amount of time and add to the energy of the event. Making a cameo appearance makes people think you don't care.
- And finally, never be late to a wedding or funeral (especially your own).