Meet Your Match {Heart to Hearts}
>> Sunday, March 6, 2011 –
Heart to Hearts,
Posts by Erin
Update: You can probably tell from my Meet Your Match post (below) I wasn't taking the issue seriously. That all changed today. A second guy informed me that this same girl had used roughly 200 of my pictures for a fake facebook account and gave me some other disturbing details that gave me the hibbie-jibbies. has removed the profile. I've contacted Mark Zuckerberg. A police report has been filed.
Moral of the story:
- identity theft is real.
- update your profile privacy settings.
- i still like the fact she used my snuggie picture.
Alright. I admit it. I've had some relationship epic fails. But who hasn't, right? I would prefer to meet someone naturally and not resort to online dating in my mid-twenties. But someone else had other plans for me.
I received an e-mail last week from a stranger saying he recognized me from I wasn't sure if it was a lame pick-up line or if it was something I needed to look into. For me to even check into this matter, I had to make my first profile account. Sure enough, user au_tiger2010, a 28 year old nurse living in Birmingham with 3 God children, has managed to find dozens of my pictures and is using them to meet her match.
I'm still not sure how or where they got my pictures but I'm further perplexed about why they thought the snuggie picture was the gem to use for the profile pic?
I sent this to with my fraud report. Still haven't heard back.